Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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265 lines
newshist - extract history line for news article(s)
newsdaily - maintain news log files and report problems
newswatch - keep an eye on news system for difficulties
newsboot - clean up news debris on reboot
locknews - lock news system for manual tinkering
addgroup, delgroup - add and delete newsgroups, locally
adddirs - make any missing directories for active news
addfeed - add a news feed
act.to.times - create active.times file for news readers
histfrom, newsfrom - list news arriving over specific time
addmissing - add missing news articles to history file
1m/usr/lib/newsbin/maint/newshist22m msgid ...
1m/usr/lib/newsbin/maint/newsdaily22m [ guru ... ]
1m/usr/lib/newsbin/maint/newswatch22m [ guru ... ]
1m/usr/lib/newsbin/maint/addgroup22m group {1my22m|1mn22m|1mm22m|1mx22m|1m=4m22mrealgroup24m}
1m/usr/lib/newsbin/maint/delgroup22m group
1m/usr/lib/newsbin/maint/addfeed22m [ 1m-L22m ] site groups
1m/usr/lib/newsbin/maint/act.to.times22m activefile
1m/usr/lib/newsbin/maint/histfrom22m startdate [ enddate ]
1m/usr/lib/newsbin/maint/newsfrom22m startdate [ enddate ]
These programs are utilities useful in maintaining a C
News system and diagnosing problems in it.
4mNewshist24m prints the history line for each article identi
fied by a 4mmsgid24m.
4mNewsdaily24m performs minor maintenance chores that typically
should be done once a day for the news system: saving
copies of log files and truncating them, reporting logged
errors, checking for anomalies suggesting something is
wrong, and cleaning out leftover files. 4mNewsdaily24m saves
one generation of old 4mlog24m files and three generations of
old 4merrlog24m and 4mbatchlog24m files. It reports problems to the
named 4mguru24ms (default: `usenet').
4mNewswatch24m looks for indications of news problems on a
shorter time scale than those reported by 4mnewsdaily24m,
notably strangelypersistent lock files that may indicate
a newssystem failure. It typically should be run a few
times a day.
4mNewsboot24m should be run from 4m/etc/rc24m or the system's
13 Oct 1990 1
equivalent on reboot. It cleans up files that the news
system might have left lying about if the system crashed
while news was being processed, notably old lock files.
4mLocknews24m locks the news system, starts up a shell for the
user, and waits around to unlock the news system when that
shell terminates. This simplifies manual maintenance.
4mAddgroup24m and 4mdelgroup24m respectively add a newsgroup (with a
specified flags field for the 4mactive24m file, normally `y'
[see 4mnews24m(5)]) and delete a newsgroup manually, with
proper locking. The effect is purely local; no control
message (to propagate the change to other machines) is
4mAdddirs24m sweeps through the 4mactive24m file checking that
directories exist for all newsgroups. (4mRelaynews24m will
create directories as needed, but some userinterface
software gets upset if a newsgroup exists but its direc
tory does not.) This is mostly useful when adding groups
in bulk, based on another site's 4mactive24m file.
4mAddfeed24m adds a line to the 4msys24m file specifying that the
4msite24m should be fed the 4mgroups24m, and creates a suitable out
boundbatching directory. If the 1m-L22m option is given, the
1mL22m flag is included to restrict the feed to locally
generated articles only. If 4mgroups24m does not include a
distribution list (separated from the newsgroups by a
`/'), the default distribution list `/all' is appended.
If 4mgroups24m is of the form 1m=4m22mname24m, this specifies the same
groups as those fed to site `4mname24m', with the exception
that `to.4mname24m' is rewritten to `to.4msite24m'.
4mAct.to.times24m emits (on standard output) a new 4mactive.times24m
file (see 4mactive.times24m(5)) based on the contents of
4mactivefile24m, which should normally be 4m/usr/lib/news/active24m.
4mHistfrom24m emits (on standard output) all history lines for
unexpired articles arriving between 4mstartdate24m and 4menddate24m.
The dates must be acceptable to 4mgetdate24m (see 4mnewsaux24m(8)).
The default 4menddate24m is ``now''.
4mNewsfrom24m runs 4mhistfrom24m and processes its output to produce
a list of absolute pathnames of articles arriving between
4mstartdate24m and 4menddate24m (default ``now'').
4mAddmissing24m scans the 4mhistory24m file and the newsarticle
tree to find articles that are not in the history file,
and adds them to the file, rebuilding the 4mdbz24m database to
/usr/lib/news/history history file
/usr/lib/news/history.pag4mdbz24m database for history file
13 Oct 1990 2
/usr/lib/news/history.dir4mdbz24m database for history file
/usr/lib/news/log current news log
/usr/lib/news/log.o previous news log
/usr/lib/news/errlog current newserror log
/usr/lib/news/errlog.o* old newserror logs
/usr/lib/news/batchlog current newsbatcher log
/usr/lib/news/batchlog.o*old newsbatcher logs
/usr/spool/news/in.cominginputspooling area
/usr/spool/news/out.goingoutputbatching area
/usr/lib/news/watchtime last time 4mnewswatch24m was run
/usr/lib/news/active list of current newsgroups
/usr/lib/news/active.oldbackup copy created by 4maddgroup24m and 4mdelgroup24m
1mSEE22m 1mALSO22m
df(1), uucp(1), ls(1), ctime(3), getdate(3), hostname(1),
grep(1), news(5), expire(8), newsbatch(8), rnews(8),
4mLocknews24m complains and exits if it is unable to lock the
news system; this is typically a matter of either inade
quate permissions or news activity already in progress.
4mAddfeed24m looks for a 1m/default/22m line or a line for 4msite24m in
the 4mbatchparms24m file, and if none is found, warns the user
to create one.
4mAddmissing24m complains and exits if it is unable to lock the
news system, if 4mexpire24m appears to be running, or if there
is not enough space for a temporary copy of the 4mhistory24m
file and database. It also notes the presence of articles
which did not have intelligible headers (which are placed
into history with an entry specifying immediate expiry).
Written at U of Toronto by Henry Spencer and Geoff Col
4mLocknews24m is a bit crude.
4mDelgroup24m does not remove files or directories from
/usr/spool/news, although it prints a reminder to do so.
The 1m=4m22mname24m form of 4maddfeed24m cannot cope with continued 4msys24m
4mAddfeed24m assumes that attention to the 4mbatchparms24m file suf
fices to get batching going for a new feed, which is naive
if you are running 4msendbatches24m selectively, i.e. with
4mAddmissing24m does not cope properly with articles which are
already in history but with an incomplete list of
13 Oct 1990 3
pathnames; the result is duplicate messageIDs in history
until the article(s) expire, which is relatively harmless
but may interfere with access to those articles.
Various nuisances can result if the maintenance utilities
are run as 4mroot24m rather than as the owner of the news
database. It's difficult to defend against this.
13 Oct 1990 4